Our Mission
Used oil re-refining solutions
PETROF REFINING TECHNOLOGIES is dedicated to not only for setting the standards for business and financial performance, but also for complying with the most demanding standards of corporate social responsibility. Accordingly, we employ a proactively ethical process so that all internal and external responsibilities towards the development of Society and Internal health can be adhered to, with our values implied. Identities and cultures within PETROF may be diverse, but every member of our organization is encouraged to share certain core values as:
- Professionalism
- Respect for employees
- Continuous concern for safety and environmental protection
- Contributions to the development of host communities
In order to achieve the objectives described above, our Group strictly adheres to the following standards of conduct:
- As active and responsible members of the communities in which we do business, we are committed to complying with local laws and ensuring that the latter are internally enforced. Business is carried out in accordance with widely accepted ethical standards: transparency, honesty and fairness.
- Rejection and repudiation of any illicit or incorrect behavior.
- Development of organizational models designed to prevent violation of the principles of transparency, honesty and fairness by employees and staff members while ensuring their compliance and correct implementation.
- Maximum transparency with the market, investors and the community in general, while protecting the competitive positioning of each business.
- Market excellence and competitiveness through quality customer services which effectively and efficiently meet each customer’s needs.
- Protection and promotion of the company’s human resources.
- Responsible use of resources with a view to sustainable development, environmental protection and guaranteeing the rights of future generations.